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Monday, September 27, 2004

hehehe.... today helped gary shopped for his hamster... he's going to have a pet finally.... but at nite he told me tt the hamster will be placed at my house le... why? coz his mum dun allow him to keep hamsters!!!-_-" dun wana talk more on it...

anyway... after shopping of hamster stuffs... (my bank da chu xue today) coz we bought some stuffs for Yue oso... we went to watch New Police Story... haix... apologise to Joel, haijiao, jul and joa... if not becoz we late... u all shd be able to catch today's movie 1... sorry...

anyway... i saw the trailer of the show and got very interested in it, coz from trailer, i saw the directing is not quite jackie chan style... so i tot he changed style liao... when i watched... den i realised tt he's only director for actions... ahha, the movie got another director:p...
anyway, it's still a nice show... thot tt it's going to be very action pack like last time... but NO!... it's action-filled comedy and some touching scenes.... at beginning i already wana cry laio... die so many brothers... kk... this i a very gd show, recommended by me... nicholas although i dun quite like him, is veyr funny in the show... and twins... hahaha... her "teh" skill very li hai... hahaha... really funny:p haha..., but tt doesnt means tt the actions not nice... IT'S OSO VERY COOL!!!!!

...it's autumn time, 2:45 AM

Sunday, September 26, 2004

today is 1 of the best day that i had... today's my dad company chalet... @NTUC costasands at sentosa...

the room is DAMN small... unless only a couple staying... if not, DUN EVA BOOK there! kampong hut can sleep even more ppl sia...-_-" hahhaa

nvm abot tt... around 9am... my family went to find breakfast, but all like haven open yet... so we went to underwater world 1st... see all those small small marine creatures 1st... den fish gets bigger... and more gigantic... and my parents was there saying... tt fish is wat fish... den steam very nice to eat... den tt 1... wah... fried very nice to eat...-_-

anyway... it was a great feeling today going out wif family... we long long nvr got "family outing" le...

den we proceeded to delifrance to eat our breakfast... which is damn filling... soooo much... but $8.55... if not full is really cham...:p

den we went to dolphin lagoon... SHIOK!!! hahaha... the trainer was asking for volunteers and mentioned tt will get wet up to chest lvl... hehehhe den nobody raised up their hands, so i went:p hehehehe

another small girl oso volunteered...

1st, we're to do some hula hoop-_-: diaoz... ps this time... i duno how to do hula hoop sia... hahaha... lucky today i not bad, can turn around 5 or 6 rounds b4 dropping:p the gal is worse den me:p hahaha... den while we're doing, the dolphins oso doing hula hoop with their rostrum... sooo cute:p hahaha...

we're later being invited to go into the sea and kneel on the ground... den later the dolphin will swim over and kiss us.... the dolphin which kissed me is Han... very cute... den they make those squeaking sound oso very cute:p.... i was allowed to stroke them on their back and belly... hehe... very nice to touch too... shiok!:p hahaha...

so much fun tt day:p

whole body wet wet den go back to seat:p haha... later me and my dad took photo wif dolphin, cost is $5, considered cheap already:p hehehe

oh yah! btw.... the female trainer beside me was looking sooooo alike like waiteng leh:p heheh.... but she more sporty and tall, longer hair too... but face smaller:p haha... *** wasted... nvr took down picture of me and the dolphin... sianz....

den we went siloso beach... (early in the mrning, my parents tooka stroll at the beach and saw 5 cuttlefish....) and so we're now going to catch the 5.... actually only me, my dad and sis is catchin... mum is sitting under the shades...:p

k... real fun catching those sotongs:p haha... at first i tot... cham... so long nvr swim liao... sure die... but in fact it's the opposite... i think i improved my swimming liao:p hahaha... anyway... i did most of the swimming... chasing the squid towards the bridge where my dad is waiting wif his shirt (the shirt is our net) haha... and tada.... 4 we caught... 1 is being washed away by the current... a few fishes we caught too.... den those youngsters was keep asking... "uncle, wat u catching ah?" den everyone was surprised to hear tt we catching sotong... den all very curious

den i went off after lunch for the performance tonite for ting yun...

k... so after a day of happiness, here performing i got injured.... not knee there got 1 big big orh ceh.... but anyway, after the performance... we went back to club... and we found a quail!!! in sp!!! diaoz... haha... anyway it's in my house now... will be kept by me and gary... might be wushu's mascot hahhaha.... his name is Yue (moon, moon is not his eng name)... he's a japanese quail, estimated to be 4 weeks old...

juz when everything was sooo happy... the unhappy strucks... another of my hamster died.... male, thinkwhen i was at sentosa... the female fight and bit him... to death... sianz... sobz...

why most of my male hamsters all died becoz of bullied by the female? i tot male hamsters are more aggressive??? haix... maybe i next time oso kena bullied by my wife sia.... sianz... now left with 2 female hamster... hope they'll live...

...it's autumn time, 1:18 AM

Thursday, September 23, 2004

sorry... very short... sudden kick to write this down...

after implementing the light system in our poroject and after today's light tutorial... i started to like animation liao... haha... coz it's so fun and cool to see this models to look so nice and real... wah... hahaha... okok... maybe i'll develop my interest in film, video, animation and design liao:P haha...

...it's autumn time, 4:41 PM

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

just 1 week plus... just 1 week plus i nvr go for FYP due to my authoring and things starts to go wrong le... nvr follow script and i oso duno wat to say... i noe tt my leader is in stress and wans to get things done... but muz we sacrifice away the quality of our wrk? even mediacorp cant give use huang hui's footage, cant we tape it ourselves? juz needa find help... i noe we still have only 3 more weeks left... u think i not kan cheong ah?... haix... i dun wan the interim "A" to go into waste...

den hao shi bu lai, huai shi yi zi lai...-_-' got informed that our game cant be played---... biangz... den animation another headache... now com though finally can use biped le... but i still got no enuff time...

time really waits for no man siaz...

appetite lost today... cant eat anything down... really too much for me to take in a week liao... to many leadership postes is no gd... the worst is that u wana excel in everything u do... even more stress....-_-"

no choice... muz get my animation done within 3 days and nites by hook or by crook... den another 2 days authoring, den the rest for FYP... think like tt can bah... haix... later everything still will have to rush again... i can see me relax till the mid of next month...

booked medical checkup date liao... sianz... muz spend 4 hrs checking your health... abit too long liao lah...

wat's wrong... muz try to get use of late hours le... but headache headache and headache... worst still home dun have panadol... sleep oso pain, do wrk oso pain... ARGHXZZ!!!!!

...it's autumn time, 9:51 PM

watching guess x 3 now... abot wo de ye man nu you... have to guess which couple is fake 1...

biangz... those gals... wah... chio but very ye man... this let me remind me of someone... 3 psn in fact...1st to go... juliana... think everyone shd agree with me... second is jen jen... aunty...>>> correct hoh?... den the last is jiamei... a gal i get to noe online... nvr see her b4...

suddenly she asked me to be her online partner... coz she dun wana think of another guy in her sch...(tt guy looked like me she claimed)... den ystrday she came scolding me not smsing her, nvr think of her... nvr bother her etc etc... -_-" me abit scared liao... hope she dun get so serious abot this online partner thing... if not cham sia... i nvr even see her b4... but she got send me her photo...

i still got the gal i like... so if she really get serious... i think i'll have to be evil and break her heart ba... duno... see ba... zhou yi bu kan yi bu...

...it's autumn time, 1:45 AM

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

... think my hamster going to die liao...

tommy... gift from jul haijiao they all.. abit sad... but cant do anything abot it...
but he'sold already... some wat already 3 yrs old le... old le... haix....

shdnt get any pets till i get out from ns i suppose... ns only weekends bookout?... why like tt... haix...

...it's autumn time, 7:00 PM

finally... my authoring project has "gao yi ge duan luo" liao... but still got so many debugging to be done... den oso have to increase level... still got so many stuffs...

acan now gotta rush... den wed got wushu AGM... den gotta rush report for the chalet too... den FYP video script muz do, den fri got performance... den mooncake fest coming... my dad's company chalet oso coming... wah... i wana faster finish everything den rest!!!!!!!

sianz... authoring... hope we can get at least a B bah... hopefully this yr is the best results tt i can get...

anyway... i got the hang of yuanting's grp FYP game... haha... quite fun... yah, but trully tooooooooo much calculation laio lah.... count until i die...-_-" hahha...

k... tt's it... i gonna orh laio... if not tml late for acan again...-_-'

...it's autumn time, 1:28 AM

Sunday, September 19, 2004

today a sat... actually planned to go watch Hi Dharma tml 1... but most not free... so changed to today... hehehe...

quite on sia today.... got 10 ppl came for the movie... gdgd:p all confirmed coming... jul came too. abit surprised... but happy today... think coz thu is her bday... she happy... so she came...:)

yeah... the show quite funny... but i couldn't laugh it out loud... coz my friend got some unhappy thing with his stead... haix... he's a gd guy... even better den me, respect him alot... as senior, as friend... hope tt his stead know how to cherish him...

anyway... after movie yanru went to bk to eat... so accompany her... den weibin, jul and sam went off 1st... yanru went after her meal... the rest stayed and rot for hong to come...

abit lame sia... my throat got abit sore coz of today... they pulled out all their "dong kias" to buy 1 large lemon tea, 3 large onion rings and 1 lrg fries (when we have 2 lrg drinks and 1 lrg fries liao)-_-" biangz... eat till my throat now very uncomfortable:p hahahhaha... den we talked abot the movie we watched... den talked abot terminal... den abot anaconda....

jiao wanted to watch tt show... hong came, cant tell him to go home... den leslie say... go watch another show lah!... haha... den siao on... all agree... den we went lido to watch ananconda:p.... watch it for the 2nd time liao... dun have much kick... but still a good show:) coz i still kena frightened:p hahaha... biangz... today is DA CHU XUE!!!... not only becoz of the 2 movies... it's becoz i brought my sis out too-_-" $17 each and still got meals haven count in... wah... xiong...-_-" it's not nice to be big brother sia....

reached home quite late... 10 liao... tml still muz wake early to complete adva...hope i got the jing shen to do...

waiteng... hehehe... waiting for ya hoh:p hahha:) *grin

...it's autumn time, 1:20 AM

Friday, September 17, 2004

eeeeee!!~~~ freak....

i really duno how to smile sia!!!! sooooo ugly! arghz... how come got ppl tell me when i smile i look nice? aunty.... ni pian wo ah? hahahah!:p

i noe i smile not nice long long ago... but duno how to make it nice leh... i only noe tt when i laugh/smile naturally... den i look gd... but u wan me smile purposely... this is wat u get... bleah... i destroyed the photo sia....

+[taken with rouhui at her bday celebration]+

...it's autumn time, 1:29 AM

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

hehehe... even faster update... today juz gotta noe tt my authoring test oso got A...:p tis is a surprise... coz i tot im going to get a C:p hehhe

1st week of sch got good news liao... hope tt gd news will continue to come:p now muz worry got authoring proj and animation.... cham... i haven touch animation...

...it's autumn time, 7:36 PM

quick update before i take a nap...

ystrday training was a scary 1... biangz... wushu club almost became like other clubs... got internal conflict... but i think it'll juz end well anyway... why? duno... juz feel like it'll end well:p

sam ah... if u reading this... this is for ya... u are trying to change, but it's not enuff... jiayou!!! it's gd tt u care for ur friends and wants to defend them... weibin oso care for them... but he have a position to hold... so cant blame him oso... anyway... ur temper really needa change... especially ur tone... sometimes really scary 1 sia...

k enuff of ystrday den come to today... nothing very special... juz noe that FYP only got 6 more weeks to complete, authoring muz hand in by fri... well... I know wat i want liao... so i hope tt it'll stay with me till the end of the projects... hope tt it wun change lah... i dun wana ask myself again wat am i doing anymore... will lose myself 1...

k... chalet meeting... finally end liao... so much wrk... hope everyone enjoyed... thx for xuan's compliment... but i cant do it myself only... thx for all the help from comm oso... but this chalet comm oso problematic 1 hahahaha... hope tt they noe how to organise 1 next time...:p

got back my $$.. YEAH!!! my back is "fat" again... chalet spent always almost half of my bank $$... :p haha...

nite time den weili gave me a very gd news... felt very happy and consoled... OCT, my FYP grp... we're the only group where all the members in the group got A... hahhaha... so damn glad to hear tt news... tt not only proves tt the grp's hardwork had paid off... oso proved tt im not doing nothing as an assistant leader:p hahha... now... this really gives me hopes tt our FYP can get A sia.... im going to aim for A for fyp now... hope the rest of the members too...:p heheheh... together we'll do a gd gd project out.

...it's autumn time, 1:18 AM

Sunday, September 12, 2004

ok... went to rouhui's chalet... haha... in the end spent the nite over:p haha... duno... think it's a chance to noe her better so stayed on ba:p...

haha... today den i realli took notice of her... how does she really looked like, how;s her voice (ps... think it's the 1st time i hearing her voice:p hahahaha) her voice quite mature, not like mine, beautiful, with big eyes, friendly, not very tall but not short either, cool, smart etc...

lucky got waiteng with me, and their "dumb" friends too.. if not i think i really extra liao...:p haha... went bolwing with them... den got 1 chance i was looking at rh... den she look at me... i nvr turn away but den we stare at each other sooo awkward, so after a few nods exchanged... i looked at the lane again... hahaha... stil feel abit guai guai with her... muz be too little communication btwn me and her liao...

later on waiteng lost her hp... duno how to comfort you teng... sorry... but i think accompany is the best method?... like amanda said... i duno how to say... so i kept my mouth close ba... if not say wrong things...

den waiteng went out... i nvr followed, coz duno wat to do...

yeapz, had dun at the chalet.... cant imagine they can play the kissing game for the whole nite... a very crazy grp there... (a grp of strangers... haha like everyone duno each other 1...) den laughed and laughed till 5 plus den i start to sleep...

reached home by 7 and go to giant by 9... shopping for my FAREWELL CHALET!!!

tired sia... soooo blur... but come to recall... biangz... i nvr really got to noe rh abit more sia... shy.... nvm... dun think too much... not gd for me:p haha

shopped for chalet food liao den go chalet via taxi den waited for the rest to come...
hm... 1st day nothing much, quite sianz till les and the rest came by the nite... den we got something to do... played risk... learnt how to play mahjong, watch tv, etcetc...

den the next day laio...-_-" they went to play basketball while i still trying to keep my eyes open... 2days nvr sleep... xiong ah.... den lunch hours, played mahjong, went to beach play volley... den i have to go prepare bbq le... sianz.... i nvr got the chance to play in waters.... wah... i miss the wet wet feeling.... haha...

yupz... successful event i think.... the food was nice (of coz, i cook 1 mah:p), the ppl is there, the ppl mixed around... anyway, i hoped tt everyone enjoyed...

and den when everything finish... hehe... gambled all the way till mrning... while others watched tv series.... wah....

got back home by around 1pm.... slept for another 4 hrs and gotta go suntec meet others to buy present laio.... 4d3n of not enuff sleep... cmi... tml still have to wake at 7+.... argh.... jiayou!!! 5d4n! i can do it!:p hahaha

...it's autumn time, 1:13 AM

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

yesh.... finally.... im back... with my com ok liao...:p so wat's wrong with the com? there's NOTHING WRONG!!! arghz... my com juz gave me temper...

brought to sch, let teacher check, we tested all the components and the com still dun wrk... conclusion we made is tt motherboard or processor spoil... so i went to simlim few days later to get a motherboard and processor (upgrade) den went there wif gary... spent a few hrs there... den asked around, the price is out of my budget... so think juz go check whether is the board spoil or the processor, like tt den can save $$... and guess wat... after testing... BOTH IS WRKING all right... so the technician told me it might be the ram.... yah... maybe... coz we tested everything but forgot the ram...

i went home, put back all the motherboard and etc together... and the lamest thing happened... i try switching on... everything is wrking fine liao-_-" biangz... for this attitude the com gave me... i have to be offline fir a week... which i felt quite happy:p hahaha... coz no need to proj etc:p hahaha... but it's really inconvenient though:p

yeah... reformatted everything laio... who got Office 2000 to lend??? now i dun have office to wrk wif sia....

FYP shooting ystrday... went very smoothly... too smooth laio... seriously i dun wana have anything wrong only to know when we edit sia...

anyway, huang hui... she's chio and really friendly juz like yvonne lim and jaime teo, though they duno you, they'll chat with u 1 loh... hehe... i like this kind of artiste:) she not very tall ba i think... though she looks tall... without her high heels, i think she's taller den me by a few cm only? haha... anyway tt means she's taller den me lah... sianz-_-" i still so short:p

today's rouhui bday, maybe go her chalet to say happy bday den go... see 1st:p

den tml CHALET!!!! FAREWELL CHALET for grads... hopes to be a success and those yr 1s better dun let me down... esp tt joel and laiheng... they better dun make me angry sia... everything leave till last min den do.... hope i can see they doing something... haha...

but during debrief den will say them gd job here and there liao... if not they wun wana organise events anymore:p hahaha

NARUTO! RO! HUNTER!!! here I COME!!! hahaha

...it's autumn time, 5:42 AM

Monday, September 06, 2004

Quick update? nah... think quite long :p

4th sept... shinsian dancing @ suntec today... i asked lots of ppl to go wif me... xuan, sam, jiao, gary, les, huifang, aifen etc... 1 thing i dun get it... why ALL not FREE??? AH!! HOW COME??!!?? biangz.. haha... maybe it's zhu ding i muz go by myself... or is it i shdn't go?... but nvm... still went in the end... haha, with an empty stomach:p

k... reach the fountain there... felt so awkward... 1 psn there, she's @ the bacstage, cant find anyone i know. stand there like tree... till the secure come an tell me to take a seat somewhere:p hahaha....

her grp name is "FMS - Troublemakers" cool:p hehe... i sit all the way at the back.... so far... cant see her face, but i juz can recognise her... hehe... intuition tells me it's her... anyway her dancing style oso tells me it's her:) hehehe...

i like the emcee anyway.... michael... he's funny man:p hahaha... keeps mentioning tt the fountain water not always switched off so later after the event muz stay back and dance (too bad i 1 psn paiseh:p haha... anyway oso cant dance.... liek zombie like tt...)... come to think of it... wedding @ the fountain oso not bad hoh? den after the ceromony can watch laser show:p hahahha

anyway, see her dance... so kawaii:p gagaga... the rhythem makes me feel as if im dancing wif her...** huachi*** those competitors are really soooo coll and soooo gd! makes me feel so bad tt i cant dance...

saw how those wear... baingz... felt tt i so in diff dimension sia... now i noe how far im away from her laio.. i'll improve man... wun be the frog in the well... how i wish tt my next competition is @ woodlands:p haha, den can ask her to come:p

ending le... her grp won the consolation prize, think they're real gd :) and so... it ended around 10? with my stomach not growling at ALL!!! it's a MIRACLE!!! hahha....
ba ai qing dang fan chi... hahha:p

ive came to a wonder... she's getting more and more successful, nearer her dreams... when can i realise mine? when can i get her conformance?

ITP... i really wana get a video internship... im praying hard, searching hard too... but to no avail.... pleaseeeeeeeeeee.... give me a video internshipppppp:p

anyway.... rong ah... i not tt skinny leh:p... hahaha... kk:p i'll eat more:)

...it's autumn time, 1:54 PM

Friday, September 03, 2004

how long since my com is down?... a week? think so... days without computer has really changed my life man... no more sleeping at late nights... everybody sleeping in the early hours like 4am?... -_-" hahaha... tt's only in the early days lah... for the later days of th week i really slept early like 9pm or before... coz nothing to do liao... or shd i say i can do nothing?...

biangz... w/o computer i can survive... but not my projects and stuffs... without com... i can do nothing sia... everything is so inconvenience... so muz cherish com more...:p

haix... now gotta buy a new mummy board, processor and a power box... think may cost up to $400+... haix... wat's worse is not the cost... but i duno which to buy!!!!

hope tt my com will be fine after changing it... and really prays hard tt everything in the hard disk stays intact.... 40gig worth of information.... no joking...

...it's autumn time, 10:40 AM

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